A b o u t

This summit aims to establish an in depth state of science on biology, clinical & translational strategies for Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors, while offering expansive networking between scientists, clinical oncologists, industry, and advocacy groups to foster highest-priority collaborative projects.


Jonathan A. Fletcher, MD

Associate Professor

Harvard Medical School 

Brigham and Women´s Hospital

Dana Farber Cancer Institute


Boston, MA, USA



Sebastian Bauer, MD

Professor for Personalized Tumortherapy

Director Sarcoma Center

West German Cancer Center 

Dept. of Medical Oncology

University Hospital Essen

Essen, Germany

meeting coordinator

Julia Ketzer

Project Coordinator

Sarcoma Center

West German Cancer Center 

Dept. of Medical Oncology

University Hospital Essen

Essen, Germany


Program committee

Christina Antonescu - Ping Chi - Ron DeMatteo - Armelle Dufresne - Johanna Falkenhorst - Suzanne GeorgeJohn Glod - Candace HaddoxMichael C. Heinrich - Adrian Mariño-Enriquez - Thomas Mühlenberg - Toshi NishidaWenbin Ou - Lori Rink - Brian Rubin - Piotr Rutkowski - César Serrano - Andrew Wagner

scientific program

The preliminary GISTT Summit 2024 scientific program and additional information on Break Out Session can be found HERE.

Scientific patronage

The scientific patronage for the GISTT Summit is taken over by FORTRESS (Forum for Translational Research in Sarcoma) and SASS (Strategic Advances in Sarcoma Science) - two meetings that have been successfully established for Sarcoma and GIST research within the last years.

More information and how to register for either meeting can be found HERE.

meeting venue

The GISTT Summit 2024 will take place at the Oktogon INTERARTES GmbH at Zeche Zollverein, the UNESCO World Heritage Coal Mine Industrial Complex.

Find out more

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