s c i e n t i f i c   p r o g r a m

In addition to an extensive scientific program which will focus on enabling discussions rather than offering educational talks only, we will hold multiple Break Out Sessions to also allow focused work in smaller groups throughout the entirety of the 2.5 days of the meeting. 


To additionally allow especially young researchers to showcase their work, the program will include poster sessions. 

GISTT Summit 2024 - Scientific Programm 2024
Please find our Scientific program ready for download. Be advised that this program may change.
You will find the latest version here.
GISTT Summit 2024 - Scientific Program a
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 508.8 KB

m a i n  s e s s i o n  t o p i c s

  • KIT and PDGFRA oncogenes
  • Oncogenic progression following KIT/PDGFRA/NF1 mutation – implications for signaling and treatment
  • Pathology – the central steering wheel
  • KIT and PDGFRS small-molecule inhibitor
  • Evolution of TKI resistance – from bed-to-bench and back
  • Surgery for metastatic GIST – no heal without steel?
  • Targets beyond KIT – maximizing therapeutic responses
  • Persistence and plasticity – roadblocks to cures


B r e a k o u t  s e s s i o n  t o p i c s

  • Novel approaches – Pathways to cure GIST
  • KIT/PDGFRA Signaling
  • Maximizing KIT/PDGFRA inhibition
  • KIT/PDGFRA independent GIST